
Kandy Esala Perahera 2013

The Kandy Esala Perahera is a combination of both Buddhist and Singhalese culture, consisting of a ceremony where the sacred tooth relic of Buddha is paraded through the streets in order to invoke the blessing of rain from the gods. A ritual believed to date back to 3rd century BC; the first Perahera was performed in Anuradhapura. However, due to invasions, the tooth relic was shifted, finally finding a permanent home in Sri Dalada Maligawa (Temple of the Tooth). The Temple of the Tooth is Sri Lanka's most important Buddhist shrine, which has housed the Sacred Tooth Relic since the 16th Century.

The honour of carrying the sacred relic casket (a substitute for the Sacred Tooth Relic, which remains in the temple) is bestowed upon a majestic Maligawa tusker elephant, followed by hundreds of others. The ornate and richly decorated robes worn by the elephants are only rivaled in beauty by the accompanying custodians and officials, clothed in traditional apparel of Singhalese chieftains. Also apart of this opulent ceremony are Kandyan dancers and drummers, as well as acrobats, flame dancers and whip dancers, who continue to enthrall the ever-growing crowd that flock to see them each year.

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