
Natural pool at "doovili ella" Watefall

One of the most popular falls in this area is the Neluwa Doovili falls which lies about 8 km away from the Neluwa town. The fall is 17m in height and 1m wide. "Doovili" meaning dust is a quite popular name for waterfalls which creates a misty atmosphere which looks like a dust cloud around the bottom. Therefore each doovili fall is uniquely identified by adding the name of the village or town where the fall is located. Thus this fall has become Neluwa Doovili Falls.

This fall is located in the area called Kosmulla on the route to Lankagama and is a quite popular destination for local as well as foreign tourists. The area around this fall is well maintained and steps has been built to reach to top of the falls. There are three view points to this falls. One leads to the lower fall and the next leads the bottom of the upper fall . The same foot steps leads to top of the fall too.
"Duvili Ella" Water fall 

Two large bathing ponds are built at the bottom of the falls by diverting the water from the stream. The first one is shallow and suitable for kids. The second one is little deeper but safe. Area is well landscaped and changing room facilities are also is provided. The access to the pool is restricted by a fence and the is a small fee ( Rs 30 ) per person is changed to enter the facility. Its open from 9 to 5.
other names for this fall doovili falls, doowili falls , duvili falls, duwili falls, doovili Ella, doowili Ella , duvili Ella, duwili Ella , neluwa The upper fall
Another cascade for pool for bathing

Bathing pool

Another cascade for Duvili Ella water fall

video for waterfall
Another angel photo

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